Chanel or Victoria’s Secret? No, unfortunately it’s not a gift from me to you, and no, it’s not a lottery. Simply, this is the question that many models asked to themselves, or at least, what they have done a few weeks ago. Next week, London will be the scene of two spectacular events: the Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show and Chanel special collection fashion show. Mmm. Now, tell me: if you are Cra Delevingne, face of Chanel, but also a model of VS, or Kendall Jenner, Chanel model and a want-to-be model for VS, what would you do? Heads or tails? Chinese Morra? A list of pros and cons? If you have a solution, please tell to this girls. “Toto-model” is going crazy on the internet, and I admit that I thought I’d make a bet. But then … I got a huge laugh and I’ll look somewhere VS fashion show and wait to see on the Internet the Chanel show. What then, I understand the spectacular events such as Victoria’s Secret, but if I was a model, no doubt I would choose. You might say to me “honey, you’re not”, and my answer is “Thank God! Have you an idea of the diet of the models before a fashion show ?!” and then, in this way l I can enjoy both shows. So, as the world tries to figure out which choice models do, I look forward to the December 1st to see the shows and I do look at the VS collection F / W 2014.
ps man, listen. This is a good chance for you. Look this site and show this collections to your girlfriend, and you’ll find the perfect gift for her. But don’t say stupid things as “omg the model is so hot”, no when your girlfriend is there with you. Girls, this is your chance to be hot and sexy as Angel. Don’t waste this opportunity!