The American designer Tory Burch has inaugurated yesterday its new showroom in Milan. Because the previous showroom was smaller and the designer has become more and more European customers through its openings in Rome and London, has decided to move out and go a few steps from the gardens of Villa Reale in Milan. The showroom covers an area of 600 square meters and is distinguished from all the others from its orange dores and the cozy family air that wants to transmit. It’s nice to see how a young designers like Tory Burch is growing significantly.

La designer americana Tory Burch ha inaugurato ieri il suo nuovo showroom a Milano. Poichè il precedente showroom era di dimensioni più ridotte e la designer ha acquistato sempre più clienti europei grazie alle sue aperture a Roma e Londra, ha deciso di traslocare ed andare a pochi passi dai giardini di Villa Reale. Lo showroom si estende su una superficie di 600mq e si distingue da tutti per le sue porte arancioni e l’aria familiare ed intima che vuole trasmettere. È bello vedere come una giovane designer come Tory Burch stia crescendo notevolmente.