

Best Dressed of The Week: Speciale PFW

Il Best Dressed of the Week si sposta a Parigi. L’ultima, ma solo nel calendario, settimana della moda sta per…

Best Dressed of The Week

Benchè la stagione dei premi cinematografici sia ancora distante, attrici, attori e celebrities della tv si danno da fare per…

Best Dressed of the Week

Immagini Best Dressed: Courtesy of Press Office, Vogue Uk, 

Lapo Elkann, Italians do it better

Forget the excesses to which we were accustomed, Lapo Edovard Elkann, second son of Margherita Agnelli and the journalist and…

Richard Madden, a fairytale man

Who ever said that to become a prince, you need blue eyes and hair of gold? While  Cinderella mania is rampant,…

Best Dressed of the Week

After the season of red carpet films, the flashing lights have moved on to fashion weeks. Who participated? Who wore what?…

Anyone who belongs to or has anything to do with the fashion world, it’s impossible they have not heard about…

Eddie Redmayne, the theory of style

It is the interpretation of the now famous physicist, astrophysicist and cosmologist, Stephen Hawking  in the film “The theory of…

Best dressed of the week

The Best Dressed of the Week on Quotidianomime returns, and this time it does so with a touch of magic….

The revenge of blue

In the past it was a purely barbaric habit, all the heads of the tribes, beyond the borders of the…

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