Remember when I told you there was a surprise? Here, THE BRAZILIAN JOURNAL interviewed me before the show of Paola Frani. Below you see the interview I was done.

During fashion week in Milan, as well as journalists, fashionistas and the curious, there are also bloggers. The grand event attracted dozens of young people who love fashion and want to share their ideas with peers and the blog is a means to put into practice and demonstrate their knowledge.
The presence of bloggers is so strong during the fashion week in Milan that the organizers of the ‘event accredit them and, next to the room of journalists, dedicate a room specifically for them.

The earth has spoken with one of these young people, Ivan Allegranti, born in Bulgaria and adopted at the age of 5 years by an Italian family. He loves fashion and has created the blog. All his writings are in English and Italian. Ivan said he had always loved fashion. “I always had a passion for fashion, but I’m attending case, because my family thinks it’s good to have a solid job, though, in parallel I specialize my self in this area, because in future I hope to have my own brand.”
When talking with Ivan you quickly realize that he is passionate about fashion. He is able to describe the collections of designers and has an opinion on each. When asked what his favorite designer, he answers quickly: “I love Giorgio Armani.”
During fashion week in Milan, Ivan was invited to the parade of brands such as Etro, and, with his camera, is always looking to capture something magic. Ivan says that it is very satisfied with the results of their work, because, in a month, has reached many goals.
Danielle Souza
Ivan Allegranti