London Fashion week: Moschino Cheap and Chic. Yesterday, the Italian Brand Moschino Cheap&Chic, presented a graceful young and fresh collection. There were many outfits that had amazing patchworks. I adored the lace patchwork on the tops that were beautifully hand stitched. The prints used for this show were very strange, because there were eyes, lipsticks, make ups and mascaras. It was very strange to see mixtures of lace, patchwork and prints, but, by and large, it was well done. At the end of the show there was a t-shirt in that was written” Make up your life” what does it mean? Leave a comment..

Settimana della moda londinese: Moschino Cheap and Chic. Ieri, il brand italiano Moschino Cheap&Chic, ha presentato una graziosa, giovane e fresca collezione di ready-to-wear. Vi erano molte uscite che contenevano dei fantastici patchwork fatti fra stoffa col pizzo e stoffa senza pizzo. Le stampe utilizzate per questa sfilata erano molto particolari, perchè, su gonne e vestiti, vi erano stampati occhi, rossetti, make up e mascara. Dà uno strano effetto vedere mix fra ricami, patchwork di stoffa e stampe, però, nell’insieme, tutto è ben fatto. Come ultima uscita della sfilata, vi era una t-shirt in cui c’era scritto” Make up your life”, che significa? Lasciate un commento qui sotto…

Ivan Allegranti