Jorinde Voigt, Salt, Sugar, Sex

Jorinde Voigt, Salt, Sugar, Sex


Salt, Sugar, Sex, la prima personale della pittrice tedesca Jorinde Voigt alla Lisson Gallery di Milano (23 gennaio 2015 -13 marzo 2015) presenta disegni di medie e grandi dimensioni e una nuova serie di Things to Wear decorate a mano, nate dalla collaborazione con Mads Dinesen, influente e giovane fashion designer basato a Berlino.

Voigt disegna e dipinge forme astratte, intricate da linee che evocano movimento.

Opere a pastello, matita e inchiostro in una mostra intitolata Salt, Sugar, Sex perché i disegni si riferiscono agli organi interni ed alle funzioni fisiologiche, ma evocano fiori, steli, rami .

Dalla prima collaborazione con il fashion designer di origine danese Mads Dinesen. sono nati i kimono, intitolati Things to Wear I-V (quasi traduzione letterale del termine giapponese) che sono vere e proprie “pitture indossabili”.



Jorinde Voigt, Salt, Sugar, Sex

Jorinde Voigt, Salt, Sugar, Sex

SALT, SUGAR, SEX, the first solo exhibition of the German painter Jorinde Voigt at the Lisson Gallery in Milan (January 23 – March 13) presents drawings of medium to large size and a new set of hand painted “Things to Wear”, created in collaboration with Mads Dinesen, the influential and young fashion designer based in Berlin.

Voigt draws and paints abstract forms, using intricate lines that evoke movement.

Works, crayon, pencil and ink in an exhibition entitled “Salt, Sugar, Sex” because the designs relate to internal organs and physiological functions, but evoke flowers, stems, and branches.

From the first collaboration with fashion designer from the Dane, Mads Dinesen. Dinesen, who was inspired by kimono, created a piece entitled “Things to Wear IV” (almost literal translation of the Japanese word) that are real “wearable paintings”.